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SAAC Parent's Night Out Permission form/Emergency Contact information

Posted Date: 3/21/25 (12:42 PM)


We at the Saranac Student-Athlete Advisory Committee are looking forward to spending the evening with your kiddos and giving you a 2 hour much earned break! 

You may arrive at 5:15pm for Drop Off at the High School Sports Entrance, next to the track. Please bring your child in for sign in and registration fee ($20 per child, additional children being dropped off by the same parent/guardian $10). We will be utilizing the Cafeteria and HS gym for our activities. Access to other areas of the High School will be prohibited.

We will be providing a small snack, physical activities, crafts, and over all fun! 

We are promoting positivity, collaboration, teamwork, and respect through this event and cannot wait to have some safe and fun play this weekend! 

Pick up will be at 7:30pm. Please enter through the same doors and we will escort your child out to you/ bring you to the gym.