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Student Enrollment


The Saranac Central School District welcomes all school-age students who reside in the District. 

All enrollments occur online through Pre-Registration at the

Saranac Central School Online REGISTRATION LINK

Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Registrations are open for 2025-2026!  Children living in the Saranac Central School District who will be four (4) years old by December 1st, 2025 are eligible for Pre-Kindergarten and children five (5) years old by December 1st,  2025 are eligibile for Kindergarten.  Registrations are due by March 14th.  Register at the above registration link.  Be sure to click Pre-K application at the top of the pre-registration form once student and contact information is entered in order to enter Pre-K preferred site requests.  Site preference is not guaranteed, as this determined by several factors.

Prekindergarten-If a lottery selection process is necessary, all complete registrations on file on or before March14, 2025, will be eligible to be included in this process.  Registrations are not considered complete until all required copies are submitted and reviewed for accuracy.

Screening dates (by appointment) PREK are completed in April and Kindergarten are in May.  Once registered, you will schedule these times and dates.

NON-RESIDENT STUDENT: If you are trying to enroll a non-resident student, please contact registrar-Lisa Lucia prior to online pre-registration at 518-565-5611 or

Please Note:

Directions for utilizing the online Pre-Registration are HERE:

Prior to beginning online Pre-Registration you must have the following documents ready to upload as a picture or pdf file:

  1. Fillable Records Release found LINK HERE (this must be downloaded and opened from file, not in web)
  2. Proof of date of birth: Please provide your child’s original birth certificate. 
    If your child’s birth certificate is unavailable, one of the following can be used for identification: passport or certified record of baptism.
  3. Proof of residency: See below
  4. Parent/Guardian Photo Identification
  5. Official Student Immunization Record, and most recent physical 
  6. Custody Papers (if applicable). Must be a signed copy 
  7. All students in 8th grade and above who will participate in athletics must upload a NYSPHAA form HERE

Once all documents are submitted, we will reach out to officially enroll your student.

The following documents can be submitted as proof of age and residency in the District

 Proof of Physical Residency

Proof of Age 

Best Form of Documentation


Copy of a residential lease; or Proof of ownership of a house, such as a deed or mortgage statement.


A certified transcript of a birth certificate or record of baptism giving the date of birth. If either is available, no other document may be used to determine a child's age.


Next Best Documentation


A statement by a landlord, owner, or tenant from whom the parent or person in parental relation leases or with whom they share property within the district.


Passport or submit Affidavit of Residence Form-Here


If none of the above exist, additional options:


*Note: The District may or may not accept such documents and can request additional documentation and/or for any statements to be notarized.


Pay stub; income tax form;


utility or other bills; membership documents

(e.g., library cards) based upon residency; voter registration document(s); official driver's license, learner's permit, or non-driver identification; state or other government-issued identification; documents issued by federal, state, or local agencies (e.g., local social service agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement); or


evidence of custody of the child, including but not limited to judicial custody orders or guardianship papers; a statement by a third party relating to the parent(s) or person(s) in a parental relation's physical presence in the district; and/or other forms of documentation and/or information establishing a physical presence in the district; an affidavit of the parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation.

Official driver's license; state or other government-issued ID; school photo identification with date of birth; consulate identification card; hospital or health records; military dependent identification card; documents issued by federal, state, or local agencies (e.g., local social service agency, federal Office of Refugee Resettlement); court orders or other court-issued documents; Native American tribal document; or records from non-profit international aid agencies and voluntary agencies. 

*Such documents should have been in existence for two years to be considered. If none of the above exist, the District may consider an affidavit of age.

**Students may also be eligible for enrollment without the documents listed above under the Education for Homeless Children and Youth Program**